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This page and your request are monitored 365 days a year. It is the best way to reach out to us. We will get your request and contact you very soon. Per the terms of your lease agreement, this form is the ONLY way allowed to submit a Repair Request.

SUCCESS! Some one will contact you within 24 hours. You will need to be available M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm to let them in to your home.

                              ****(PLEASE KENNEL YOUR PETS OR YOUR REPAIRS MAY BE DELAYED)****


Dear Tenant,


Our goal is to respond and fix all repair requests within 24 hours. You need to understand that we prioritize all repairs as to urgency. A torn screen is not addressed like a backed up sewer call. We will contact you with 24 hours but repairs will be made in the order of importance. We have great staff members that have all been fully background checked so you can trust them in your home and good contractors to serve you. You must make yourself or the property available during normal business hours M-F 9 am-5pm. Heating and air conditioning calls can take up to 24 hours and may need to wait until the next business day. We assure you that your request was not forgotten or lost. We are here to make your stay at our property safe and comfortable.  Filling out this form is the fastest way to get your repairs taken care of by our excellent staff or contractors.



Thank you for being our guest


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